Your Story Series: Meet Sophie

4 min read
Your Story Series: Meet Sophie
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What is your name?

Hi, my name is Sophie Xue.

Describe yourself in 3 to 5 words.

Cheerful, energetic, positive. 

What is your attitude towards sun protection today?

Having sun sensitive skin, sun protection is very important as I noticed more and more moles appear in recent years in my neck and chest areas. I have to freeze some of them as they grow big with constant itchiness.

I also developed chronic skin rash on leg areas which affect daily life badly. Although they are harmless at the moment, but with more and more uneven skin and age spots in my early thirties, I do feel regret that I did not pay enough attention to sun protection when I was a lot younger.

I bring my Solbari hat, face mask and sunnies everyday with me nowadays, I feel a lot secure and safe in the sun, I feel less stressed walk in the sun which is my favourite activity without feeling scared that my neck will become more itchy.

What would you tell your 16 year old self about sun protection?

Sophie, you have pale skin, so when your friends told you you are blinding white and get some sun, do not feel pressured and go sun bathing without applying enough sun block, because you won't get tanned but painful peeling skin.

Try to avoid expose yourself in the sun for long time during mid day as Australian sunshine is extra harsh with very high UV index. You will age faster than your peer with more freckles and itchy age spots, which you do not want when you get older! You may have porcelain looking skin when you are 16 year old now, but it does not mean you will still have them 20 years later if you do not pay attention to sun protection. The damage accumulates and the consequences may be severe.

So put on hat, long sleeves, sunnies, umbrella, make compromise with fashionable clothes, cover yourself up, try to avoid going out in mid day for long and do not go bush walking in the middle of the day. You will thank me for my advice later.

Thank you Sophie for helping raise awareness for skin cancer, melanoma and skin conditions, and sharing your story with us and our Solbari Community.

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